SellerAstrid Petracchi
Seller's phone00971507689226
Price2,500 AED ( $680.735 )
Posted on15 January 2013

Kiteboard Features
• Top performance surf board
• Soft turns
• Excellent glide
• Progressive concave
• Futur fins
• Symmetrical and adjustable straps
• Boxy rails that give a soft feel in the turns
• Bat tail
• Leash plug

The Burning 5’8” Quattro has been designed by Takoon with a very simple goal in mind: to offer a true surf feel and let everyone easily ride in all sorts of conditions. This board can be used by any type of user, from the novice to the advanced rider.

Putting the spotlight on the novice, it must be said that this board can be used in light wind conditions – the novice will probably not want to go out there when the wind is pretty strong. Putting the spotlight on the advanced rider, he will like that this board offers a fluid feel that’s very close to a real surfboard, he will like that this board has a very good slide when sailing flat, he will like that the boxy rails make for smooth turning, and he will like that the board allows for easy and stable jibes (thanks to its compact shape and carefully calculated volume distribution).

Takoon’s tagline for the Burning 5’8” Quattro is: “Only a surfer knows the feeling.”

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