Flysurfer Speed 3 Delux 19

SellerVladi _
Seller's phone0561740153
Price5,000 AED4,800 AED ( $1,307.012 )
Posted on15 March 2014

Huge and powerful kite is the best solution for low wind Dubai condition and ideal equipment for beginners that will save you months of training.

The heart and most important feature of the Deluxe-Edition is the cloth. The Deluxe cloth is one of the lightest nylon cloths ever made, weighing only 41 grams per square metre. And this with previously unimaginable strength values.

A special PU-coating makes the cloth airtight, thus providing homogenous flight performance and high durability. Thanks to these high-tech materials, it is possible for us to build robust kites weighing up to one-third less. Needless to say, that is a world of difference when it comes to kites. Deluxe kites turn better, fly more stable and have less backstall. For everyone who wants another performance plus.

With a Flysurfer Deluxe Kite, you’ll improve your wind range again. The smallest breeze is adequate for snowkiting on hard-packed surfaces. And if that is not the deciding factor for you: the cloth of the Deluxe kites just looks stunning. Flysurfer implement the best of what’s available for each component of the kite. Naturally, this includes a completely untwist-able Infinity Control Bar.

Also included in the package is a classy, matching black-gold Deluxe Bag as well as a cool Infinity Bar bag. And the Safety Leash, is obviously, the best one Flysurfer have.

If you are into lightwind kiting or would love to increase your kiting time by 100%, and if the winds at your home spot often drop below 10 knots, the answer is a definite yes to the Deluxe Edition.

Larger sized foil kites profit the most from the lighter fabric and airtime is made easier and longer. They accelerate much faster and overall behaviour is better. (It is comparable to a paraglider, every gram you save with the fabric benefits the pilot in terms of handling, performance and last but not least, fun)!

There is a big performance advantage, especially during aggressive manoeuvres like kiteloops. The kite will fly faster upwards after the loop, giving you added assistance with the landing.

Flysurfer Deluxe Edition Features:

Flies in super low-wind conditions
Better turning and better catching after a kite-loop
Less backstall
Easy to use low-end wind performance
Generally easy to fly
Less prone to tip collapsing
Snowkiting and landkiting is now possible even in the lightest of breezes
More stability
Lighter pack-down weight
Smaller packing dimensions
Flysurfer Infinity 2.0 Control Bar:

The Infinity 2.0 control bar feeling is very direct, smooth and precise like no other kite in this class. Hangtime and butter-soft landings are unparalleled. It has never been this easy to land and learn new tricks, regardless of the wind conditions. Racers will also appreciate the improved windrange and increased upwind performance.

Flying characteristics:

Good Power and Wind Range
The good low end performance allows you to ride a smaller kite in a much lighter wind speeds without compromising the top end that Flysurfer kites are renowned for!

Fast Flying and Turning Speed
Enjoy a fast flying kite while jumping, wave riding and kitelooping! The new profile shape and tip design makes the Flysurfer Speed 3 turn fast and easy with a comfortable bar pressure.

Exceptional Low End Performance
Using the latest design techniques, the Flysurfer Speed 3 has more low end power than any Flysurfer ever made.

Amazing Lift and Long Float
The special design of the profile gives you a fast flying kite with good lift for extremely high jumps. The long float ensures longer airtimes and offers you softer landings.

Unmatched Stability
Even in gusty inland conditions, the Flysurfer Speed 3 is extremely stable and is virtually impossible for the kite to luff!

Water Relaunching:
Because of the extreme stability, a Flysurfer kite is unlikely to ever hit the water in the first place.

However if it does, the waterproof taped and reinforced seams and the incorporated silicon valve design behind the air intakes along the kite's leading edge trap the air inside the kite, and make it very hard for water to get in.

The large volume of air keeps the whole kite floating on top of the water, so there is nothing stopping the kite from taking off. With very little practice, water re-launching a Flysurfer is very simple, quick, and easy to do.


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